Monday, June 15, 2009


the sky today is only but another shade of gray through my eyes.
with a tad bit of wind that decided to join the party.
today doesnt have such a good feel.
but hopefully it gets better later on (:

yesterday i had one of those moods again, and all i could do was utter silence between my lips.
it made things a lot more akward on the telephone, because hanging up would cause more hurt, yet staying silent seemed to also increase the pain.

egh i wish it was simple, that whenever i became upset i could just say how i feel, and try fast to find a solution for it.

but it seems that silence IS my strength, and that by keeping silent, i must seem to enjoy lurking in keeping myself at a distance from humanity.

i must just be rambeling on about nonsense, because at this point, even i dont understand my own ways. but i guess i dont have to understand myself. i am ME, and thats that i suppose.

on & on, i am out. for now, atleast.