Friday, July 9, 2010

New phone possibility.

yeah, still thinking about it.


Well, i am glad to say that i am still with that "new" boyfriend i mentioned in my earlier post. He is great! 7 months now, 8 months on the 15th ;) i am pretty proud of myself that i actually found such a great one, caught him, and still have him! *gives herself a pat on the back*.

My first year of school in Sweden is finished! I loved it actually and i am excited for my next ( and last ) year before college!

I am currently in Las Vegas, visiting, but will be returning home to Sweden in about 2 weeks now. I have already been here 4, and it has been a great trip. I am happy i got to spend time with family and friends once again, even though i didn't sound like it before i left for Sweden. haha. :)

My gauges are at a size 9/16ths now! not to big, not to small. I plan on staying here for a while.

I finally decided what i am going to study in college and where i am going aswell ;) I have already started on my path towards a great career and am continually advancing in the right direction!

I now have my own computer and camera! I even bought concert tickets all by myself! i am growing up i guess. But it feels pretty good :D

All in all, i am happier than ever.


Oops, i did it again.

Well, you can't act like your surprised about that.

I get in these random moods where i just WANT to blog, write, and express myself in every way possible. But that usually ends... fast.

I forget about these things and leave them there, hanging mindlessly in the air until i reach up and grab a hold once again.
I guess i took charge once again, but let us see how long it lasts this time.
